

Some of the recent and new update from WHO CNS tumor 20161) For astrocytic and oligodendroglial tumor IDH immunohistochemistry is must now2) New entity diffuse midline glioma,H3 K 27M mutant is added3) New variants of glioblastoma are giant cell and epitheloid glioblastoma4) New entity added in ependymoma is RELA fusion positive ependymoma5) Mesulloblastoma is classified into 4 classes based on WNT and SHH activated pathway#NimhansCNSupdate


A typical acantholytic cell of phemphigus as seen in a Tzanck smear is called a 'Tzanck cell' ( see image below). It is a rounded keratinocyte with a hypertrophic or dysmorphic nucleus, hazy or absent nucleoli, increased nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio due to the loss of normal intercellular cohesion and abundant eosinophilic to basophilic cytoplasm. The staining is more intensely basophilic near the cell membrane ('mourning edge') because of cytoplasmic condensation at the periphery, resulting in a perinuclear halo. Ref :

question of the day

A newborn suffering from an autosomal dominant condition, presented with the following condition as shown in the image. What is the most probable diagnosis?  A. Milroy's edema. B. Meige edema. C. Lymphedema tarda. D. Lymphedema praecox.